Panda Training

This was one of the last major sequences I boarded on this movie. Director Alessandro Carloni, Head of story Phil Craven and myself played around with various cutting and pacing. We wanted it to feel like the iconic pinnacle montage of the Shifu / Po training sequence from the first Panda, with its graphic compositions, bold colors and interesting transitions. The story team generated some good ideas for this as well during the early stages. Final boarding was done by Ale and myself. 

I'm including my segment here. Additional credits: Tigress and Mr. Ping throughout this scene were drawn beautifully by Ale. The Panda hugging the log is a trace-over of Tom Owens' rough, who also boarded the second Mei Mei twirling tornado beat (A remnant of a previous iteration). 

The sequence was about a week in thumbnailing stage, and then drawn and shaded over the course of around 2 weeks.

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